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Dr. Eva Alexandra Jakob

Dissertation subject

The role of social responsibility and image for emerging and existing enterprises

First supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst

Curriculum Vitae

2009-2012 studies in „International Business“ with a major in management und the languages English and French. Worked in medium-sized as well as large companies (both B2C and B2B). International stays for studies and internships in Canada and France. Since October 2014 research assistant in a startup incubator at Paderborn University. visiting PhD at Copenhagen Business School in February 2017. Since April 2018 doctoral scholar at Manchot Graduate School “Competitiveness of Young Enterprises” at Heinreich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.

Research Areas

  • Image of entrepreneurship
  • Attitude toward entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship