Dr. Andrew Isaak
Conference Presentations
Disentangling Status and Reputation in Contributions to the Public Good. European Conference on Information Systems, ISR Paper Development Workshop. Jun. 15, 2024, Paphos, Cyprus (withMichael Zaggl, Dennis Steininger and Morena Rivato)
AI, sustainability and startup financing: When technology meets purpose. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Jul. 1-5, 2024 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. (with Ulvi Ibrahimli) *Accepted
AI, sustainability and startup financing: When technology meets purpose. G-Forum Entrepreneurship Conference. Sep. 27-29, 2023, Technical University of Darmstadt. (with Ulvi Ibrahimli) *Accepted
Hype and regulative legitimacy in contested markets: The case of bitcoin trading. G-Forum Entrepreneurship Conference. Sep. 27-29, 2023, Technical University of Darmstadt. (with Suleika Bort and Michael Woywode) *Accepted
Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection and Exit Types from the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Jul. 7-10, 2023, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. (with Michelle Theisen and Eva Lutz) *Accepted
Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection from the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth. Theories of Family Enterprise Conference. Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 2023, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ. (with Michelle Theisen and Eva Lutz)
Perceived Neuroticism and Sustainability: a Perfect Storm? An Analysis of
U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects. ISPGAYA International Congress on Multidimensional Sustainability, Sept. 29-30, 2022, Instituto Superior Politécnico, Porto, Portugal (with Scarlett Koster) https://congress.ispgaya.pt/schedule/
Re-examining Control Systems and Pathways for Transformational
Management by integrating Sustainability into Corporate Investment
Decisions. ISPGAYA International Congress on Multidimensional Sustainability, Sept. 29-30, 2022, Instituto Superior Politécnico, Porto, Portugal (with Anna Meyer and Barbara Weißenberger)
Circular Economy Initiatives: Strategic Implications of a Brazilian Craft
Beer Chain During COVID Era. ISPGAYA International Congress on Multidimensional Sustainability, Sept. 29-30, 2022, Instituto Superior Politécnico, Porto, Portugal (with Marcia Rruba, Danielle Denes and Rodrigo Lobo)
Family corporate venture capital: Socio-emotional wealth, syndicate
partner selection and exit types. G-Forum Entrepreneurship Conference, Sept. 22-23, 2022, University of Dresden (with Michelle Theissen and Eva Lutz) https://www.fgf-ev.de/en/g-forum-conference-2022-in-dresden-germany/
The Diffusion of Sustainability Accounting Practices in Europe: a Survey and Development Framework. 14th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Sept 17-18, 2022, Halifax, Canada (with Sina Sauer) https://www.isirc2022halifax.com/
Mark my Words: Perceived Agreeableness, Trust and Equity Crowdfunding of Technology Ventures. Nordic Conference on Small Business (& Entrepreneurship), May 19-20th, 2022, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (with Julia Neuhaus and Denefa Bostandzic) https://www.ncsbconference.org
Technology Forecasting and Small Business Strategy:
Resource Orchestration in Organizational Settings and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Nordic Conference on Small Business (& Entrepreneurship), May 19-20th, 2022, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (with Rodrigo Lobo) https://www.ncsbconference.org
Financial Curricula and the Hidden Causes of Financial Crises: Revamping University Teaching of Market Finance. Nordic Conference on Small Business (& Entrepreneurship), May 19-20th, 2022, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (with Michel-Henry Bouchet and Robert Isaak) https://www.ncsbconference.org
The Diffusion of Sustainability Accounting Practices in Europe:
a Survey and Development Framework. 13th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 8.-10.09.2021 (mit Sina Sauer) * https://altis.unicatt.it/altis-2021-innovazione-sociale-universita-cattolica-milano-conferenza-accademica?rdeLocaleAttr=en
Success lies in the Eye of the Beholder: Personality Traits in Equity Crowdfunding. European Academy of Management Conference, Virtual, 16.-18-06.2021 (with Julia Neuhaus and Denefa Bostandzic) *Accepted
Ultimate Dream Management: An Innovative Crowdfunding Management Technique for the Creation of Desired Products. European Academy of Management Conference, Virtual, 16.-18.06.2021 (with Jan-Philip Ahrens, Baris Istipliler, Dennis Steininger, Maren Rottler) *Accepted
Perceived Personality Signals in Equity Crowdfunding of Technology Ventures. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Virtual, 09.-12.06.2021 (with Julia Neuhaus and Denefa Bostandzic) *Accepted
In the Eye of the Beholder: Personality Traits in Equity Crowdfunding. RENT 2020 Virtual Conference, 18.-20.11.2020 (with Julia Neuhaus and Denefa Bostandzic) *Accepted
Technology Transfer in Russia and Ukraine: The Roles of Trust and Social Cohesion in Research-Industry Collaboration. 6th International Forum on Mittelstand (Virtual Conference), November 16-17, 2020 (with Vincent Göttel)
What Personality is Best for our Project: do Big Five Personality Traits Predict Equity Crowdfunding Success? G-Forum 2020 Virtual Conference, 28.09.-02.10.2020 (with Julia Neuhaus)
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Family Business Employer Brand. G-Forum 2020 Virtual Conference, 28.09.-02.10.2020 (with Bennet Schiedstedt)
Exchanges about Dreams: Towards a New Management Technique in Crowdfunding. G-Forum 2020 Virtual Conference, 28.09.-02.10.2020 (with Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Baris Istipliler, Dennis Steininger and Maren Rottler)
It's all in the (Sub-)title? Expanding Signal Evaluation in Crowdfunding Research. ECIS 2020 Virtual Conference, 15.-17.06.2020 (with Constantin von Selasinsky) *Accepted for Publication
An Institutional Perspective on the Global Dynamics of Cryptocurrencies Based on National-level Perceptions of Corruption, Voice and Accountability. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, 03.-06.06.2020 (with Suleika Bort) *Accepted
Success Lies in the Eye of the Beholder: Observers’ Rating of Personality and Funding Success of Entrepreneurs in Latin America. Academy of Management Research in Latin America Conference, Mexico City, 15.04.-16.04.2020 (mit Julia Neuhaus und Denefa Bostandzic) https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amgblproc.mexico.2020.0302.abs
Technology Forecasting and Corporate Strategy in Latin America. Academy of Management Research in Latin America Conference, Mexico City, 15.04.-16.04.2020 (mit Rodrigo Lobo) https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amgblproc.mexico.2020.0284.abs
The Star Citizen phenomenon & the" ultimate dream management" technique in crowdfunding. 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), München, 15.12.-18.12.2019 (mit Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Baris Istipliler und Dennis Steininger) *Accepted for publication
Learning the bias? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects family firm performance. IECER Conference, Utrecht, 16.10.-17.10.2019 (mit Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Suleika Bort und Baris Istipliler) *Overall Conference *Best Paper Award
Learning the bias? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects family firm performance. G-Forum, Wien, 25.09.-27.09.2019 (mit Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Suleika Bort und Baris Istipliler) *Best-Paper Nominierung
Legitimacy, Government Regulations and the Emergence of the Market for Cryptocurrencies. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA., 01.08.2019 (mit Suleika Bort) https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.11641abstract