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Julia Neuhaus


Success lies in the Eye of the Beholder: Personality Traits in Equity Crowdfunding. European Academy of Management Conference, Virtual, 16.-18-06.2021 (mit Andrew Isaak und Denefa Bostandzic) *Accepted

Success Lies in the Eye of the Beholder: Observers’ Rating of Personality and Funding Success of Entrepreneurs in Latin America. Academy of Management Research in Latin America Conference, Mexico City, 15.04.-16.04.2020 (mit Andrew Isaak und Denefa Bostandzic) *Accepted

Success Lies in the Eye of the Beholder - Investigation on the Relation Retween Observers Rating of Personality and Financial Success in Young Firms. (Poster Präsentation) VHB-Jahrestagung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 19.03.2020 (mit Denefa Bostandzic und Gregor Weiß) *Accepted